Auto-Drain for 30J or 46C

Automatic Drain Valve for 42C for use outside North America

Now your Durastill 42C, (42 gallon per day), water distiller can be automatically drained every 24 hours with the Still-Gate auto drain. It will help greatly to keep your boiler and heating element clean resulting in less frequent major boiler cleanings. (Note: This is an after-market part not manufactured by Durastill.)

SKU: AD42 Weight: 10.00

Price: $519.00 

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Product Description:

Unlike the Durastill Automatic Drain Valve which is made especially for the 42C when using in North America, (which plugs into a regular 120 Volt outlet), this Auto Drain Valve is battery operated which allows it to be used in countries with 220/240 or any other voltage outlets because it does not plug into an outlet.

The most important maintenance issue for distillers is maintaining a clean boiler. (If not done as required, the heating element will build up too much water scale and affect performance or burn out and require replacement.) The advantage of an automatic drain valve is that it helps to maintain a clean boiler by automatically draining the boiler on a set schedule, (usually once per day, but more often if distiller is being used at capacity, or if the source water is very bad). That way, most of the water scale is eliminated instead of allowed to build up. You can also drain the boiler manually, (it only takes a few minutes), but oftentimes, this important issue is neglected resulting in unexpected and costly down time. Plus since the boiler water can be scalding hot, it eliminates a potential injury that could result from improper handling. However, we have many customers who do not use the automatic drain valve and simply drain it manually on a schedule. The automatic drain valve can always be added at a later time.