12 Gallon Per Day Manual Fill - 4.5 Gallon Reserve

Durastill 12 GPD Manual Water Distiller with 4.5 Gallon Reserve Tank Model 46A4.5

Call now for availability and to lock in the sale price with NO MONEY DOWN. Durastill 12 Gallons per Day, Manual Water Distiller. Good for second homes, cabins, apartments or rental home situations where connection to a water line is not possible or desirable. Produces approx. 1.5 gallons per cycle. Includes a 4.5 gallon reserve tank. Made in USA.

SKU: 400463-400105 Weight: 61.00

Regular Price: $2,514.00
 On Sale For: $2,095.00 

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Product Description:

Can produce up to 46 liters (approximately 12 gallons) every 24 hours.

Features & Convenience:

  • Convenient Faucet with Water Site Gauge
  • 17 Liter (approximately 4.5 Gallons) Stainless Steel Storage Tank
  • 316 Alloy stainless steel evaporator for increased corrosion resistance
  • Incoloy (stainless steel super alloy) heating element - 1500 watt
  • Volatile gas vent system eliminates VOCs prior to condensation
  • Self-Sterilization Feature. With empty reserve tank, simply flip fan switch off for a couple minutes when steaming
  • Plugs into any regular 110 to 120 volt outlet. (See our other models for 220 to 240 volt systems.)
  • Fill manually. No water connection required.
  • Automatically turns off when boiler requires filling. (Makes approx. 1.5 gallons per cycle.)
  • Everything is included for a normal installation. (Post-filter and fittings.)

Size and Weight:

Water Distiller:

  • Height: 13 inches
  • Width: 20 inches
  • Depth: 13 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 37 lbs

Storage Tank:

  • Height: 6.5 inches
  • Width: 23 inches
  • Depth: 16.5 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 14 lbs

Overall Height: (Water Distiller plus Storage Tank) 19.5 inches - Allow 3" additional for ventilation, 22.5" min. total.

The manual storage tank does not have the float and switch to automatically turn the distiller off when the storage tank is full. In order to prevent the storage tank from overfilling, the water level gauge should be checked before beginning each cycle.

Manual distillers require refilling by hand after each 1.5 gallons or so has been distilled. For this reason it is highly recommended to get an automatic unit as long as there is a convenient water supply available. All Durastill distillers have float switches that automatically turn off the distiller when the boiler gets low. So it is okay to leave the system unattended while it is running. However, it is important to monitor the reservoir or holding tank when it gets to be 1.5 gallons from full in order to avoid spill-over. (Optional automatic reservoir tanks are available which will turn the distiller off when the tank is full. See Durastill Water Distiller Parts and Accessories category at left.)

Reserve tank does not have an additional outlet for a demand pump hookup. If a demand pump is desired, please consider a 10 gallon storage tank. However, the reserve tank can be made to accept a demand pump line by replacing the spout with an appropriate fitting to accept the water line.