Durastill 8 Gallon per Day Automatic Model 30J water distiller
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Durastill 8 GPD Automatic Water Distiller Model 30J

Call now for availability and to lock in the sale price with NO MONEY DOWN. Durastill 30J, 8 Gallon per day, Automatic Water Distiller. Connects easily to any source water line to automatically fill as necessary. Does not include reserve tank. Distilled water can be collected in a container of your choice, or a reserve tank can be added to the unit at a later time. Note that without a Durastill automatic reserve tank, the unit must be shut off manually when connected to an incoming water line. Made in USA.

SKU: 400451 Weight: 46.00

Regular Price: $1,870.00
 On Sale For: $1,558.00 

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Product Description:

Produces 30 liters (approximately 8 gallons) every 24 hours.

Features & Convenience:

  • 316 Alloy stainless steel evaporator for increased corrosion resistance
  • Incoloy (stainless steel super alloy) heating element - 1000 watt
  • Volatile gas vent system eliminates VOCs prior to condensation
  • Self-Sterilization Feature. With empty reserve tank, simply flip fan switch off for a couple minutes when steaming.
  • Easily converts from Auto-fill to Manual-fill by flipping a switch, (if a tap water line is not available.)
  • Plugs into any regular 110 to 120 volt outlet. (See our other models for 220 to 240 volt systems.)
  • Everything is included for a normal installation. (Installation kit, Pre-Filter, Post-filter and fittings.)


  • Height: 13 inches
  • Width: 20 inches
  • Depth: 13 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 37 lbs


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